Monday, June 30, 2008


Covers are a unique window that we are provided with whenever we encounter a literary work.  They give us a preview to what we may encounter in a book or magazine, so much sometimes that we even judge the work before we even read it through.

With The New Yorker, however, we are presented with a cover that has no direct relation to the contents of the periodical.  Each cover is unique and addresses certain ideas or makes certain comments.

In this blog, I will analyze these covers and comment on them (Ironically, this blog post is like a cover, telling you what I will do in the future.).  Currently, however, I am behind in my reading, so you will notice a lag in the magazine issues.  I am, however, working towards catching up to date since I currently have extra time to read.

So I look forward to your comments and your opinions, or even your silence, for if you simply read my posts, I will be happy (But, comments are encouraged!).

So, onward to the story we will go!

~The Cover Judger

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